Do You Do Pets?

It’s one of the most common questions we receive from folks. As hard as we’ve tried to get the word out about offering our service for animal companions, we still receive that question time and time again. To answer the question: Yes, we do offer our service for pets, and when we say pets, we mean all pets. Check out a list of 10 spectacularly unique animals we’ve provided our service to over the years, and learn a little more about them below!


10. Dog

Dogs are the most common pets we see in our lab. In fact, we’ve solidified over 700 dogs! As animal lovers ourselves, we know that every dog is unique, which is why we’re giving dogs the number 10 spot on our list! Interested in Parting Stone for your canine companion? Learn more about our service for dogs here


9. Cat

Like dogs, many folks choose Parting Stone to memorialize their cats, too! We love this video we received from a family of their cats interacting with the stones from their other cat–it’s almost like they know. Learn about solidified remains for cats here.


8. Rabbit

Forget a lucky rabbit’s foot–what’s luckier than having the remains of your long-eared pal with you in a form that you can hold close? We know that our families who chose Parting Stone for rabbits have an incredibly close bond with these sweet creatures, and it’s an honor to memorialize them.

7. Ferret

While it isn’t as common as dogs, cats or rabbits, we’ve had multiple families choose Parting Stone for ferrets. Read from one customer who chose Parting Stone for her sweet ferrets, Sam and Daniel (and check out some very cute photos of them, too!):

“Daniel was a happy, carefree ferret, and his sister Sam was the smart, savvy, caregiver of the business. I chose Parting Stone so that I could touch and hold my sweet babies again. I keep their stones on my desk so that Sam and Daniel are with me, and I can hold them anytime I want.”

6. Horse

Of all the animals whose remains we solidify, horses are hooves-down the biggest. Did you know that the average horse yields 250-500 stones?! Now that’s a lot of stones to share!

5. Wolf

In 2023, Parting Stone received a unique request for our services from another New Mexico-based organization, Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary. For those not familiar, Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing displaced, unwanted, and non-releasable captive-bred wolves, wolfdogs, and other wild canid species. Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary provided us with the remains of 15 beloved rescues that now belong to their Big Pack in the Sky, and our team was excited and honored that they trusted us with the task of transforming their ashes into solidified remains that can be held, scattered, or shared. Read more about our work with Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary here!

4. Lamb

We received this beautiful letter and photo after we provided our service to someone who chose Parting Stone for their beloved lamb, Apollo. It was an honor to have Apollo in our care!

"I was so happy to receive Apollo's stones that you lovingly created. Apollo was a lamb who was not like any other I have raised. It's a fairly long story but Apollo died shortly after his 2nd Birthday. I bottle raised him & learned several months later he had a joint disease that was incurable. I have cute pictures of him when he was still being bottle raised & During his first year when he was still able to walk. During his 2nd year he became an invalid and although it was difficult to care for him at times, it was a labor of love and I would do it again. Apollo was so strong and he loved eating the grass around him. I love him dearly & he lives in my heart. I knew I was going to cremate him yet not knowing what to do with his ashes. Learning of Parting Stone & now being able to hold Apollo again is a blessing and I am in deep gratitude. The stones are beautiful and possess Apollo’s beautiful energy. Thank you for the care you gave Apollo’s ashes, creating a beautiful memory & tangible way to hold Apollo again. Your work provide immense service to those who grieve their loved one"


3. Chicken

Yes–even chickens! The following story is from a family who unexpectedly became caretakers for chickens and ended up choosing Parting Stone to memorialize one they lost. Our team found this story so touching, and we are grateful to the family for sharing it with us.

"We were accidental chicken farmers when the animal shelter I work at was confronted with 5 just hatched chickens.  One died immediately after intake, one was struggling so much we eased their suffering and let them go, then had to figure out what to do with these three fragile little creatures we were in no way equipped to take care of.  So I fostered them and went to a hardware store to build a heated enclosure assuming I would get them big enough we could move them on to one of our livestock partners.  Instead my son started treating them like pets.  Carrying them around, luring them to come when called and reading to them the books he was having read to him in school (Runt is on the left of the picture, Che-che is in the middle, Rascal is on the right).

With that kind of attachment when the smallest (Runt) died in the pandemic it was not only a lesson on loss for all of us but an opportunity to figure out how we wanted to remember our pets.  We used Parting Stone to give us an easier way to handle Runt's remains.  We have some on our mantle with stones of our cat who died a little before Runt, and we put some in our back yard where the coop was and they spent most of their time and we have put a few more on trails where we like to hike.”

2. Goldfish

We don’t receive many requests to solidify fish, but it has happened. While an average goldfish only makes one stone, it’s totally possible to do!

1. Bat

If you’ve followed Parting Stone for a while, you may have seen the video we posted in 2022 for Halloween of a bat we solidified. We don’t have bats as an option on our website, but if you happen to have cremated remains of a bat that you’d like to solidify, give our customer service a call and we can help!

Check out our bat solidification video below!

If you are interested in choosing solidified remains for your pet, you can learn more here.